Drummer’s Review Xtra: Reviewed: Drummers Brainchild Accessories

The Original Magnetic Drummers Brush Holder – £69.99

Drummers BrainchildEvery now and then a product comes along that really catches your attention, and The Magnetic Brush Holder was one such product that originally caught my eye at The UK Drum Show in 2019 (albeit in a different guise). Since then, the company which produces these, Drummers Brainchild, have worked on a few tweaks and updates, which they presented at The UK Drum Show 2022.

It has five powerful magnets that are sandwiched in a premium grade birch plate with laser graphics on the top. This is then attached to a black metal holder that has two mount holes – one 9.5mm (3/8”) the other one being slightly wider at 12.7mm diameter (1/2”). This means that it can be mounted on regular percussion posts or some tom arms depending on your needs. Also present is an 8mm plastic handled wingnut to attach to your preferred side.

In use, when the brushes are placed on the birch surface, they stay in place quite well. You really do have to place them and not ‘throw’ or drop them as they will otherwise fall off.  The obvious plus point of this is that you don’t need to retract brushes to mount them safely for ease of changeovers between sticks and brushes.

Leg-Up – £32.99

The Leg-Up mounting bracket is not really anything new when it comes to attaching percussion/accessories to kits or percussion set ups – various companies have mounts, clamps and poles that can do a similar sort of job. This again has the same mounting bracket as the brush holder with the same two differing sized holes, but this comes supplied with an extra M8 plastic handled wing nut for mounting purposes. We get a double angled stainless steel 38cm post with two knurled sections at each end to aid with grip when in position. This can be used in conjunction with the brush holder to mount on a floor tom leg.

We tried this on a couple of floor tom legs and there is an issue with thicker legs (eg. Gretsch) where the mount simply didn’t fit. Drummers Brainchild are aware of this and have assured us this will be addressed in future batches.


The biggest issue we had with both products was the relatively cheap feeling plastic wing nuts. When we replaced these for more solid, regular metal ones, we found they held the mounting brackets and rods in place with no slippage whatsoever. Unfortunately, the supplied ones became loose with the slightest bit of pressure or vibration from a cowbell unless tightened up really hard, which could lead to cross threading issues. When you are spending upwards of £30 on a holder you would expect things to be super solid and slippage free without having to make your own adjustments or alterations. We feel that with this relatively easy improvement you will have a better-quality product worthy of its place in today’s market.

For information and deals on these, and other products, head to https://drummersbrainchild.com

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